DuKatz  Family

Research  Notes




November 15, 2002

I visited the Family History Center and viewed parts of one of the two films ( #0072704 and #0072706 ) that came in.


Film # 0072706 .. Sensburg, East Prussia Vol. 459 Birth & Baptisms Evgl.

I view the years 1812 and 1840 and found no DuKatz names within those years.


Film # 0072706 .. Sensburg, East Prussia Vol. B444 Birth & Baptisms & Evgl.

I view the years 1840 and 1861 and found no DuKatz names within those years.


Film # 0072706 .. Sensburg, East Prussia Vol. B2074 Baptisms Evgl – 1843-1886.

I found the following references to the surname Dukatz.

..  Joh.  Dukatz  .. Wilhelm  ..  December 23, 1858  ..  Krumendorf

..  Fritz  Dukatz  ..  Marie  ..    July 26, 1860  ..

..  Joh.  Dukatz  ..  Brgine  ..    March 06, 1865  ..       Krumendorf

..  ???   Dukatz  ..  Jesse  ..     Noverber 27, 1868  ..   Krumendorf

..  Fr.    Dukatz  ..  Jesse  ..     April 03, 1870  ..          Krumendorf

..  Joh.  Dukatz  ..  Marie  ..    August 07, 1870  ..       Krumenbdorf

..  Joh.  Dukatz  ..  Johann  ..  November 21, 1870  ..  Jacobsdorf

I also search the years 1859, 1861, 1869 but found no Dukatz names.

The first names are often abbreviated, in the record book, because the space allotted to write the name is very small.

I believe the Joh. = Johann and the Fr. = Freidrick.

I will go back to the Center on Dec. 04 to continue viewing records.


November 13, 2002

I had heard this information from a relative living in Germany a little over a year ago and am now documenting it.

The relative stated that his father told him that the surname Dukatz, in the Eastern European language,

roughly translated from the word ‘ Duchkas ‘ means ‘ The Germans ‘.


November 9, 2002

At this point in time it is believed that our branch of the Dukatz Family genealogy is rooted in the

south west area of East Prussia.

To view a map of this area click on the following link. (the link Will Not take you out of the DuKatz web site)

Click here to view the location of East Prussia on the European Continent. USE YOUR BACK BUTTON TO RETURN

Click here to view the location of the Sensburg area in East Prussia. USE YOUR BACK BUTTON TO RETURN


November 6, 2002

I visited my local Family Research Center and searched for the small towns list in Markus’ information,

i.e. Kelbonken / Kielbonki, Moythienen.

Those two small towns, Kelbonken / Kielbonki and Moythienen, did not show up as places that

retained church records.

I opted to order church records from Sensburg, which is near by and has churches with records.

Film records ordered:

#0072704  Taufen  1812 to 1874  …. I will look for Karl’s birth record

#0072706  Taufen  1812 to 1886 …. I will look for Karl and his children’s birth records.

#1186080  Taufen / Toten  1862 to 1889 …. I will look for Karl’s children’s birth records.

I had record #0072706 already but will have to take a closer look this time,

if I remember correctly they were difficult to read.



October 23, 2002

A relative, Holly DuKatz in California, made contact with Hans Dukatz, also of California.

She forwarded Hans’ personal information to me.

I contacted Hans and through Hans made contact with his nephew Markus Dukatz in Germany.

Markus sent me their genealogy going back four generations.

Their roots are East Prussian, more specifically just south of Sensburg, Germany, now Mragowo, Poland.



April 17, 2001

Family History Center

I have completed a three week search of the church records for the city of Olsztyn / Labuszewo.

There were no Dukatz’s found in these records.

The records spanned the years 1779 to 1884.

Kirsch family records were listed between 1828 and 1850.

The following first names are Kirsch’s and are listed as in the following order:   name, birth date, father

Carl 1828; Martin,   Emilie 1830; Martin,   Friedrich 1830; Ernst,   Joachim 1830; Friedrich,

Laura 1831; Martin,   Carl 1832; Ernst,   Caroline 1834; Martin,   Wilhelm 1838; Martin,

Caroline 1850; Friedrich.

No Karl / Carl Kirsch surrounding the year of Karl Dukatz’s birth of 04/04/1840.

There were no Nikolai / Nicolai mentioned in these records.

Film # 1814195 is on back order at this time.



April 12, 2001

Family History Center

The film of church records for the city and area of Mragowo was ordered today.

Genealogy Society Film # 0072227  1810-1843

Genealogy Society Film # 0072228  1842-1870

These records should include the town of Nikolaiken / Mikolajken.



April 8, 2001

Family Member Contribution

I received an email from a Dukatz family member in Germany.  After exchanging emails

I learned that his grand parents were born in Nikolaiken / Mikolajki, Poland.



April 3, 2001

Family History Center

The film of church records for the city of Olsztyn / Labuszewo was ordered today.

Genealogy Society Film # 0069890

The small town of Labuszewo was called Hasenberg / Hassenberg when under German rule.

Hasenberg was listed as the residence of Karl on the ships log.

The film of church records for the city of Ostroda / Zajaczki was ordered today.

Genealogy Society Film # 1814195

The small town of Zajaczki was called Haasenberg when under German rule.



March 19, 2001

Email contact

I received an email from a Marose family member.

His family was aboard the S.S. Nurnberg along with the Dukatz family.

He indicated that he has searched Hasenberg / Labuszewo, also listed as his families residence on the ships log, and found nothing.

He did find them in Haasenberg now called Zajaczki, Poland.



January 22, 2001

Family Member Contribution

I am working with a Nikolai family member, we are trying to clarify the differences in the information that we have on the Nikolai family.



January 14, 2001

Family Member Contribution

I am working with a Rose family member making corrections and additions to the Rose branch of the Family Tree.



December 28, 2000

Family History Center

The films of evangelisch (Lutheran) Posen / Poznan Geborn und Tauf (Born & Baptism) records arrived.

Genealogy Society Film # 752730

Birth / Baptism records were review for the years 1817 to 1865.

There was no reference to the surname DuKatz, Novak, or Nikolai (Nicolai).

After reviewing these records and having found no pertinent information, it is becoming doubtful that Karl was born in Posen.

I’m not totally ruling-out the possibility because there may be church records for that area that I may have missed.



December 26, 2000

Ancestry Message Boards

A contact that was made through a message board has a friend that has access to the Mount Pleasant Cemetery records.

That friend is going to verify that both Karl and Amalia are buried at Mt. Pleasant.  I should hear from them at the end of this week.



December 18, 2000

Carver County Cemetery Research

A web site was found that contain head-stone readings from 53 cemeteries in Carver County MN.

Knowing that Karl Fran DuKatz was buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery it was the first searched completed.

There was no listing for Karl. It could be that Karl has no head-stone.

A search was done on the Kunz name as well.  Mt. Pleasant Cemetery had listings for Maria (Mary DuKatz) Kunz, her husband Aquil and Aquil’s father Abraham.

The Bielke name was also searched, looking for Amalia DuKatz Bielke.  Twenty six Bielke names were listed in various cemeteries but I did not find Amalia.  He husband William Bielke was listed in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.



December 14, 2000

Ancestry Message Boards

I visited various ancestry related message boards, on the internet, looking for descendants of Amalia DuKatz Bielke, wife to William Bielke.

I found 5 Email addresses of people with Bielke information.  Each was Emailed and asked to check for a connection.



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Karl DuKatz family information has been submitted to the following ancestry web sites.

Web site: mytree.com

Web site: familysearch.org

Web site: ancestry.com

Web site: familytree.com



The family web site address ‘dukatz.com’ has been submitted to the following Search Engins.

Excite – HotBot – Infoseek – AltaVista

Go – Lycos – WebCrawler – Canada

WhatUSeek – NorthernLight – DirectHit

Google – Searchit – AllTheWeb – Magellan



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